Monday, July 23, 2007

Roadside Art......

This is one of my favorite farms that I drive by on the way into our new town. It's literally on the outskirts of town and today, when I drove by, it looked like a watercolor painting. The red, green, blue, and yellow hues caught my eye, along with the light and shadows. It all melded together to form a most picturesque scene.
I pulled off the road to pause for a moment and take it all in. Peace and serenity embodied in a landscape.....

Thank God I'm a Country Girl...........

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

July 18

Father, set the lonely in families. Specifically I pray for Brock, Cody and Devon, that a family would adopt them and give them a loving atmosphere in which to thrive.

To find out more about these boys and adoption, go here.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Roadsides In Bloom..........

I've been inspired......

As mentioned in my last post, Fred First has started a project called "Unplanted Gardens: America's Roadside Bloomery". Wildflowers being near and dear to my heart, of course I had to participate.

With the craziness of my summer so far, my camera has been gathering dust..... not to mention it is currently being held together by duct tape until I can afford a new one. I have not been inspired to go "picture hunting" for a while now, but this project made me start seeing through a photographer's eye again. So I have been taking particular note of the roadside blooms again and have been snapping, snapping, snapping. :)

I submitted a photograph....the fifth one in the gallery, of wild daisies. But here are some extra beautiful blooms that have been catching my eye, also.

What a beautiful world, indeed!

So now that the word is out, you have no excuse! I have yet to see wildflowers in the gallery from Missouri (Mike!), the Pacific Northwest (Kirsten!), New York (L.L.), California (Sue!) or Florida (Moi and Christianne!)...... hint, hint! You can click here to see the official rules and gallery so far.......

Hope to see some of you over there soon........

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Moving In The Summer Heat............

Again! We were doing the same thing two summers ago when we moved to this area from Maryland for my husband's new job. The thing that makes it worth it is the excitement of moving back out to the country from town and living in a farmhouse again. We are moving to a community about an hour away to be closer to hubby's work. So, here goes again! Thanks to everyone that has been checking in while I've been away. It has been a crazy summer and we won't be all moved in until the end of July, so I still won't be able to post regularly until we get settled.

But soon I'll be posting about playing in creeks, sitting on the front porch while gazing at the mountains, and being right down the road from my grandfather's homeplace. Full circle....back to my roots.

In the meantime, for all you shutterbugs...... My friend and fellow blogger, Fred First, over at Fragments From Floyd has started a neat project called "Unplanted Gardens: America's Roadside Bloomery". He's asking for photographs of roadside wildflowers and is starting a gallery of them. Go here to get more information and to view the gallery so far. I plan on taking my camera out today and documenting some of the local flora. Maybe I'll see some of your photos there soon........

Also, what a treat when I checked Anna's blog for the first time in a long while, and saw this beautiful close-up of my sister. Anna lives across the pond, in London, along with my sister. And her description of my sis is quite accurate. How I miss her.............

Until next time........ :)