Also on my plate has been writing letters to the editor, making phone calls, and being a general nuisance about a mining permit that got approved in our county, with another pending. Despite our county government opposing it, along with the mayor and residents of the town it will affect, our state's DEP approved it. The decision is being appealed and two people are in the process of taking the decision to court, so all is not lost yet. This particular mine will be mostly underground, but some strip mining is involved. The reason it is being heavily contested is that it will take place near a water reservoir that services over 900 residents of our county. Residents of this community have already had their water supply disrupted by previous mining activity, and even in underground mining, there is acid mine drainage that runs off and is deposited in our streams. The second permit that is being sought will dump waste directly into the main river that flows through our town. This river is already struggling in water quality and health and has seen an abundance of fish kills in recent years. It seems absurd after last year's drought that a mining company is being allowed to come into our county and pollute and disrupt our water even more.
And lastly (is that a word? ) on my plate has been some music projects. I have been practicing with Fiddlegirl for an upcoming coffeehouse performance and I have also put up a music page on Myspace. The music page will serve as a way to pass along the mountain songs I love so much, and I will also use it to help spread the word about Mountaintop Removal, as it will be a wide open venue for me. There are already some songs up, and I hope to put some live music up from when Fiddlegirl and I perform locally.... You can check it out here.
Whew! :)
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
Thanks, it's just what I needed this week. Your songs.
Hi BlueM,
Haven 't seen your blog for a while but its seemed that you have been busy also... Goon with posting your do'd and don;t I like to read them!
Have a great and creative weekend! I hope to see you on my blog, be welcome, Greetings from JoAnn
I'm going right over to your music place.
As for the coal issue, how maddening. To think that people in a "free" country could be overridden like this. Maddening, absolutely.
Oh, I love the music. Linked to it in three places already. I hope you move mountains (or, well, keep them right where they belong) with your beautiful voice and spirit.
Wow...you ahve been a busy lady! :) I am off to check out the tunes. I am totally inspired by your commitment to change what is happening in your county.
You go girl!
I have a word for you, Blue, and the word is "tenacious". That's what you are beautiful, passionate, and above all tenacious: loving the mountains, loving those invisible and forgotten children.
We stand behind you here.
kirsten...according to the Coal companies, i'm a misinformed eco-terrorist! :) and all i can do is smile at the terminology.... it cracks me up! but thank you for your kind words... i can be quite persistent with things i'm passionate about. :)
hey Blue country girl,
Thanks for reacting, well the sea and wind will make us better I hope, bnow we all have the flu too, when I go to the beach I'll blow some fresh clean and healthy air to you....
Today I posted a picture which is expressing my feelings 'how I feel when I am sick"
Have a good weekend and take care:)
I know what you mean about the cold/flu being hard to get rid of - back and forth-ing is so apt to happen. Finally did though thanks to continuous doses of echinacea.
I admire your commitment and energy to the cause.
So you have lots of things to do now after the festive holiday season although our extended festive season continues with the harvest festivals going on right now here & in or plates we have lots of savories & sweet dishes filled up prepared from new grains....have a nice time!
I'm very impressed and moved by your perseverance!
Keep on keepin' on you crazy eco-terrorist! I'm likely among your ranks. ;-P
your platter is full, girl....... i wish you all the luck in the world....as always, keep up the good work.....persistence pays .....i am sure yours will pay too........take care of yourself......:)
brandy... all i can say is, "eco-terrorists, unite!" :)
Whew is right! I hope you are all recovered, and I'm praying for your endeavors with the mining problems, friend. (((you)))
Mama keep up that talk and you will end up on the same homeland security list that Hillary is on.
i'm not sure what you mean, anonymous.... or who you are. coal troll, perhaps?
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