It's Here........

That southerly wind blew in our first snowfall of the season. The first snow of the winter always brings out the child in oneself. I think I get just as excited as Sir Laughsalot. His school let out early and he came home and started playing in the white fluff as soon as he got out of the car. And, of course, mama had to play, too.... with her camera!

Magical, Blue...... :)
Have fun in snow. Pack and send some to Florida too :DDD
Love that first picture! It's like a Christmas card.
My kids were enjoying the snow today too. (Well, for about 15 minutes, then they were 'so cold' and had to come in :)
Beautiful photos! I love the berries--very festive.
We got our first substantial today, too! You can bet I had my camera on hand. Now it feels like Christmas is coming. :-)
What fun to play in that white fluff. I like your progression of shots of the snow fall.
Thanks for your wishes for my Hubby. He wasn't as perky as i thought so we finally saw a Doc. today and he's on antibiotics for a sever sinus infection. Hope this will do the trick..we've both just about had it.
beautiful pictures! great colours combination!
:) I just had to come and look at them again :)
Last year it snowed in Floyd before we left. Judy and Shaynee and I were all agog at it. The first snow is always fun. Sorry that it didn't happen in time this year!
Beautiful photos!! There is something so mesmerizing about the snow, something that (once I know I don't have to drive in it) awakens a very childlike part of me.
Gorgeous!! And I love your new banner, as well. :)
Snow looks pretty and innocent ..and your first pic looks absolutely beautiful ..but am not a winter person the sun :)
Lovely photos! We only got a little snow down here in the North Carolina Mountains, but I'm sure our turn is coming!
Very evocative shots. Especially that last one. You have a good eye.
The one in the middle looks like cotton! Our dusting was much lighter but still fun.
Ha ha! I just now noticed how you have me listed on the sidebar. My dad would love it!
colleen... i love nicknames, what can i say? if someone doesn't already have one, i make one up for them! :)
Beautiful captures of the snow! I love the second open and vast, but so peaceful looking!!
What is that beautiful bush with the red berries..? At first I thought a Holly, My holly doesn't have near that many berrie's..but the leaves threw me off...doesn't look like holly leave's..??
Have a wonderful weekend!
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