My best audience, ever......

Kindergarteners are the bomb! They have yet to develop an attitude of self-conscienceness, nor do they worry about being *cool*.... they are ALL about having fun! I had the privelege of playing for Sir Laughsalot's little class of 13 at a party.... and I must say, that's the most fun I've had playing in a while.
May we all be as spirited and as carefree as these lil 'uns! :)
( A good article on the importance of music and the arts in school is here)
You were so right about that blog you pointed me to! Thanks for thinking of me. It was the best thing I've read in awhile.
I'm right there with you in spirit. I think kids that age ARE THE BOMB! I feel happier just looking at them and imaging their excited voices.
Sigh. I just love that you can play the guitar. I think chicks that play the guitar rock.
rock on! :)
Ah, this is so true. I know because I've taught both teenagers and elementary aged kids and it seems the younger the kids the less inhibited they are.
such cute audience! the best indeed!
You bet! I try to always bring my child with me wherever I go. Here's part of a post I wrote a few months back about having pure fun:
...our lives are richer for it, and yet, as we immerse ourselves in day to day we age and become more cautious, more's easy to forget to allow some scribbling in our lives. We tend to be content to watch others doing it...content to experience it vicariously. Now I'm not saying we should all try jumping from a plane, but I think it's important for us to "let go" somehow, some way, every day. A dear friend of mine who died recently was an expert at this. I think of him and can just hear him say: Have fun. Scribble.
i love that, june.....scribbling! i remember that post.... it was a great one and i wholeheartedly agree!
I love that picture--they look so joyful and excited.
I have a friend here in North Carolina who is a folk musician. He has played in big venues for large audiences, but his favorite audiences by far have been in preschools and kindergartens.
How Fun! Some of my fondest memories are from first grade when we had music time. I remember singing a song called RISE AND SHINE. It was a song about God speaking to Noah about building the Ark. Funny how I can remember that 35 years later! Definitely made an impression.
I'll bet they had a great time with you!
How cool is that?! I echo Christianne's comment - girls that can play guitar are the bees knees. And how fun is it that you got to play for his class??
By the way, I LOVE the new Christmas-themed header!
:) aren't they the cutest!!!! and their impromptu dancing must have been such a delight to watch......:)
much as i loved my teens and am enjoying my twenties....i wanna turn back the clock and get back to my childhood days ....... if only time machine was not a sci-fi thing!!!! being a Mommy must be like revisiting your childhood :)
moi.... actually, i was doing an interactive song with them....that's why they have streamers tied to their wrists and ankles. but yes, the joy wore off on me. :)
You know, photographing with the digital camera can be Scribbling to me.....I can just point and shoot and have fun. The Digital has allowed me freedom to play and make mistakes. I really like the term...Scribble....
Can I be a kindergartener and sing in that class? You look like you are having a ball.
I love the pride and joy on your son's face (I think he's the one on the near end, yes?). Such a wonderful, fun mommy! :)
yes, miriam....that's my little guy! :)
Very very nice, I hope you enjoyed playing? what do you play, I also love playng the gitar myself.
Tha kids are really smiling their mouths from ear to ear, :)
"and a child shall lead them"
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